
Support for BrainIT and KidsBrainIT

We would like to thank the Neuroscience Foundation, Glasgow for their early seed funding of both BrainIT and KidsBrainIT projects. This support was crucial in generating momentum and pilot data, ultimately leading to successful bids for larger funding.

We would like to thank the European Commission for their funding support of both BrainIT and KidsBrainIT projects. Including:

FP5 QLRI-2000-00454
Infrastuctures Programme - Networking Meetings to Define Core Dataset
FP5 QLGT-2002-00160
Infrastuctures Programme - Database Creation and Testing Feasibility of IT Methods
FP7 IST-2007-217049
ICT Programme - AVERT-IT- A Bayesian Neural Network Predicting Hypotension

KidsBrainIT - Using IT Innovations to Improve Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury Intensive Care Management, Outcome, and Patient Safety

We would like to thank the HL7 Soup Corporation for providing free licencing of their HL7 processing software systems in support of our Research on Patients Managed within Intensive Care.

Other funding support to Dr Lo and the KidsBrainIT initiative

We would like to thank the Medical Research Council (MRC) UK, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity and the NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Career Researcher scheme for their funding support of Dr Lo and the KidsBrainIT initiative.

MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D) grant & MRC Confidence in Concept (CiC) grant facilitating academic-clinical-industry partnerships.
Brain connectivity assessment and seizure detection in paediatric critical care
MRC DTP Precision Medicine PhD Studentship Programme
PhD studentship – Using data science methodology to improve paediatric critical care flow (2020 – 2023)
NRS Career Researcher Scheme
NRS Career Research Fellowship 2013 to 2016 NRS Career Research Clinician Award 2016 to current

Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity
KidsBrainIT Phase 1 hybrid diffuse optical device sub-study Wireless EEG headgear and brain connectivity seizure detection IMPACT-ACE research administrator