BrainIT1: 2001-2002

FP5 QLRI-2000-00454 Infrastuctures Programme - Networking Meetings to Define Core Dataset.

Photo 1: Some of the BrainIT Group During our First EC Funded Project Meeting in Glasgow!

This one year EC funded project allowed us to expand the group from the 5 members interested in compliance measurement to 22 centres capable of collectng research data. We defined a core-dataset standard for the collection of high resolution intensive care patient data. We conducted a paper based pilot data collection exercise to determine the feasibility of collecting the core dataset in all centres. Four group meetings enabled us to discuss group projects, a number of which have now completed. A technical sub-committee was formed which designed the interface protocols required in each centre to collect the BrainIT data. The technical sub-committee also discussed and designed a flexible database format to hold the BrainIT group data. Building upon this base, the group was successful in obtaining further EC research and infrastructure support (BrainIT-2: QLG3-CT-2002-01160) to build IT tools in order to quantify the feasibility for collection of the core-dataset in a live clinical environment from across the 22 participatng BrainIT centres.

A BrainIT core dataset definition was published: Piper I, Citerio C, Chambers I et al. The BrainIT Group: Concept and Core Dataset Definition. Acta Neurochir 145:615-629 2003.

In addition to a PDF based BrainIT Core Dataset Definition Document, an XML Schema definition for the core dataset has also been defined.

Figure 1: A "Snippet" from the BrainIT XML Data Schema